Go agile and simplify your processes by using our simple document management solution.
The Kizeo Forms document management software is extremely user-friendly. It can help you collect data from the field and ensure proper record management. Increase your organisation's efficiency, improve file management, and store information securely.
Benefit from our free trial and test the various functionalities and benefits of Kizeo Forms!
Create beautiful and easy-to-fill-out forms. Build forms online including various form fields. You can digitalise various operations in your business be it HR, safety, administrative, maintenance etc.
Some examples of forms you can create and fill out on Kizeo Forms are: Contact forms, invoices, trade show registration forms, pest inspections, safety and risk assessment forms, purchase orders and so much more!
With our form maker, you can include key features such as photos, signatures, table, calculation, slider, digital file uploads etc. It enables you to create forms that are intelligent and more intuitive than paper forms. Furthermore, we provide a library of form templates to seek inspiration or to use as a base for your enterprise.
Upon form filling, you can also automate the sending of emails and customized reports in various file formats with the form data. For example, if you are a sales manager you can collect customer data using the form. Once you collect the information you can automate your email marketing activities directly on our solution.
All the data collected from the field is centralised and stored on the solution and can be analysed to improve processes. You can store various file types and automatically store documents on Sharepoint or dropbox thanks to our integration features. This cloud-based solution is ideal for managing digital documents and automating paper-based processes.
You can collect data easily with our app or even using the web forms. By going paperless, you can view and measure several benefits!
The Kizeo Forms solution helps you centralise all your electronic documents and ensures that your digital assets are safely stored. Be it any industry or sector, the solution is flexible to adapt to your needs. Our customers take less than 5 minutes to fill out a form using the Kizeo Forms app.
Here are some benefits our customers have observed:
Generate a report 5 times faster
“With Kizeo Forms, we managed to get the company to have a report 5 times faster. Now, we can generate data from the field and obtain savings in time and paper usage”
César Suárez Rojas – Production and Logistics Manager - The Michelle Company
Save atleast 2 hours per day:
“We save at least 2 hours per day because of Kizeo Forms! This made the communication within the company way better because the information is rapidly exchanged. Our reports are detailed and accurate.”
Get upto 1000 pre-filled forms at a time
“Every form we use in our daily business can be digitized in a simple and easy way by using Kizeo Forms. Kizeo Forms can yield up to 1000 pre-filled forms at a time, which helps us save time during the inspections.”
Increase your productivity by 30%
With Kizeo Forms, the supervisors increased their
productivity by about 30%. Thanks to the data collection with Kizeo Forms, the time spent on writing reports was significantly reduced.
Régis Vilmus -Railway Engineer at SNCF
Digitalise and transform your business with a comprehensive, cost-effective application. You will have full access to all features and will be able to customise every form to meet your needs.
Annual plan Monthly plan
/month /user
KKizeo Forms is the ideal partner for your organisation. Through its easy to use mobile app, every team member's productivity will be boosted.
Increase your organisation's revenue and become the leader in your industry. Test the app for free for a period of 2 weeks and reach out to us if you need a trial extension.
We will be there to walk you through every step.
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